Nos vimos de nuevo, pensaste en volver a mí
me tienes contigo, no sabes lo que aprendí a llorar sin lagrimas, a no creer en
los sueñosa no envolverme en tus besos y en tus caricias porque todas son
mentirasy té quito las ropas, y yo entro en tu cuerpoy juntando las almas, tu
cuerpo y el mío se envuelven en libido

jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2007

The Big Star

His full name is Alejandro Sánchez Pizarro, he was born in Madrid, december 18th, 1986, his parents were gaditanos, they are from were he is. His greatfather was Manuel Alejandro, who got him the pasion for music since he was a child.

When he was almost 7 years old, Alejandro begins playing the guitar and when hi is 10 he starts writing his own lirycs.

Still being young, his family moved into Moratalaz, Madrid and we should also remember that he was expelled to lift the hand to the girls, even when he said they liked it.(-.-)

Since then alejandro started studying for administrative, while then, he teach how to play guitar with his uncle Miguel Angel, today he is his producer. He used to record on a studio and he will be lucky if he was payed. Years later he will race his fortune.

Today Alejandro Sanz is a greatful singer that makes enjoy little and big persons, from any age.

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